
As a company and as a family, we are proud to look back on more than 370 years of history. It has been a long journey from a small, regional sawmill to one of the international industry leaders. At the same time, it is a great responsibility to successfully lead the company into the next generation.
In order to secure the relevance of the FN Neuhofer brand and thus the location for the future, efficiency and modernity in production play an important role alongside innovative solutions, quality products "Made in Austria" and comprehensive customer service.
Thus, we are constantly investing in the acquisition of new plants and technologies in the area of planing and wrapping technology and their interlinking. In addition, the automation of packaging by means of the latest robot technology is being further expanded. WE.KNOW.WOW
!With our know-how built up over many generations, we want to convince and inspire our customers with service, flexibility, the latest technologies in production and innovations in products and processes.
We stand for this with our entire commitment and hope that you, as our customers and partners, also feel and experience this.
Yours, Franz Neuhofer